Photo of Erle Wright Phillips U.S. Army 4th Division Combat Engineering Battalion, ca. 1951
Erle Wright Phillips was originally from a farming community called Monrovia just outside of Huntsville, Alabama. During the Korean War he was stationed in Stuttgart, Germany with the U.S. Army 4th Division Combat Engineering Battalion from early 1951 until the fall of 1952. While abroad he was chosen to tour Europe playing baseball for the Army. Delta was fortunate enough to be a part of his journey home.

Delta Air Lines ticket used by Erle Wright Phillips, October 31, 1952
After returning stateside to an Army base in South Carolina, Erle Wright flew Delta from Columbia, South Carolina, to Chattanooga, Tennessee, via Greenville, South Caroline. From there he was able to take a train to Huntsville to complete his journey home.

Delta Air Lines ticket jacket used by Erle Wright Phillips, October 31, 1952
Following the war, Phillips attended Auburn University where he studied
Agriculture. In 1954 he returned home to the farm in Monrovia. He
married the same year and later had two children. He coached many little
league baseball teams and the local sports complex was named in his honor
following his death in 1993.

Photo of Erle Wright Phillips U.S. Army 4th Division Combat Engineering Battalion, ca. 1952
Each object has a story. This Delta ticket and ticket jacket tells one of a soldier's return home from War. Thank you for your service, Mr. Phillips.

Photo of Angie Barron, daughter of Erle Wright Phillips, Delta ACS Huntsville, Alabama, 2020.
Many thanks to Phillips' daughter and current Delta ACS agent, Angie Barron, who donated the ticket and ticket jacket to the Delta Flight Museum. We appreciate your generous gift as it helps preserve both your father's and Delta's history.
Thank you so much for the donation!
Austin Coleman