As we move along with planning new exhibits, we are pulling out some real gems. Like this wonderful cut-away model of a Douglas M-2 Mailplane and the first Western Air Express passenger plane. It was handcrafted by Eugene Clay in commemoration of Western Airlines' 50th anniversary in 1976.

This sturdy, dependable aircraft was popular with many of the early airlines and the U.S. Postal Service, due to it's powerful 400 hp Liberty engines and capacity of 58 cu. ft. Below, Harris. M. Handshue, President of WAE, hands the mail to Fred Kelly, one of WAE's first pilots. Western Air Express operated this aircraft from 1926 to 1932. See our Family Tree for more information about the history of Western Air Express (later Western Airlines).

This c. 1927 postcard advertisement promotes Western's services to Salt Lake City and the aircraft's "utter safety and complete comfort with which this 600-mile flight over rugged mountains and vast desert reaches of the West is negotiated easily in 6 hours." Quite a trip for those early passengers!

Tina Seetoo
Archives Associate