From the Hangars

Construction update

Dec 13, 2013

The sun is finally out!  It has rained here just about every day the past few weeks (or least it seems that way), but that hasn’t slowed down the renovations.  In between downpours, the exterior of Hangar 1 is being primed for paint and the windows are being removed from the hangar doors.  Inside, the Monroe façade is being dismantled and pipes along the walls are being cleaned up.

12-12-13 Hangar 1 windows

12-12-13 Monroe facade

In Hangar 2, the mezzanine floor has been poured, the air handling units are being put into place, and the restrooms are starting to take shape.  The large presentation wall is also looking good.

12-12-13 Hangar 2 Presentation wall

Work is starting to happen in our new Store location.  The Store is currently in a temporary location, but once renovations are complete, it will move to the area that used to be our maintenance workshop.  Walls were taken down this week to open up the space.

12-12-13 Store area

Tiffany Meng

Museum Director


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  1. nancy purcell | Feb 06, 2014

    Please let me know when the renovations are completed as I want to bring my 11 year old grandson to look around  He is a big airplane fan and would love to see the museum and all you have to offer


    Nancy Purcell

    Atlanta, Ga.

  2. Brian | Dec 16, 2013

    Is the L1011 Fuselage that the store was in still going to be included in the museum? My daughter loved getting to sit in that cockpit. 

  3. Mike | Dec 13, 2013

    Wouldn't mind having some of those bricks that were taken down.  Keepsake from the original Atlanta hangar, how cool.



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